TRAFFIC: 7-22-27-2022 Lane Closure and Road Construction For Middle Tennessee



TDOT Lane Closure Report for Middle Tennessee, July 21 – 27, 2022

Thursday, July 21, 2022 | 03:37pm



The grading, drainage, construction of a retaining wall, signals and paving on I-65 at the NB exit ramp to SR 254 (OHB, Exit 74A)
• Daily, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. There will be temporary lane closures on SR 254(OHB) in both directions for grading work. At least one lane will remain open in each direction.

The slide repair on I-24 near MM 54.9 (LM 19.40)
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be lane closures on I-24 EB near Harding Place to remove temporary traffic barrier and stripe I-24.
The grading, drainage, construction of a retaining wall, signals and paving on I-24 at the EB exit ramp to SR 254 (Bell Rd., Exit 59)(LM 23.25 – LM 24.30)
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be lane closures on I-24 EB for construction activities. There will also be temporary lane closures on Bell Road to set strain poles.

The construction of an Intelligent Transportation System and upgrades from Nashville to Murfreesboro (Phase 2)
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will a be single left lane closures EB and WB for installation of ITS equipment. Two lanes will remain open at all times.
The expansion of the Intelligent Transportation System from Bell Road to Waldron Road. (I-24 Motion Project)
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be a right lane closure WB for guardrail installation and pole staging operations. Three lanes will remain open at all time.

ITS Maintenance
• 7/14, 10 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be a triple left lane closure to replace a DMS sign on I-65 NB before Harding Place (MM 76.2).
The random on-call signing on various Intersate and State Routes
• 7/21 – 7/22, 9 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating double left lane and right lane closures on I-65 NB for the installation of overhead extruded panel signs at MM 73-74, MM 79-80, MM 80-82.
• 7/21 – 7/22, 9 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating double left lane and right lane closures on I-65 NB for the installation of overhead extruded panel signs at MM 79-82

The grading, drainage, construction of a retaining wall, signals and paving on I-65 at the NB exit ramp to SR 254 (OHB, Exit 74A)
• Daily, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., There will be temporary lane closures on SR 254(OHB) in both directions for grading and signal work. Two lanes will remain open in each direction.

The grading,drainage, signals, and paving on I-40 at the U.S. 70 (S.R. 24, Charlotte Pike) WB exit ramp (L.M. 9.65)
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., The on and off ramps to and from I-40 W and U.S. 70 (S.R. 24, Charlotte Pike) will be closed to pour concrete in median.

The resurfacing on I-65 from North of US 31A (SR 11) (LM 0.38) to the Maury County line MM 22-35
• Nightly., 7 p.m. – 6 a.m., There will be night time lane closures both NB and SB for paving operations. One lane to remain open at all times.

The resurfacing on I-24 from MM 0.0 at the TN/KY state line to MM 5.0. Including concrete ramp repairs at the Exit 1, Trenton Road both east and west bound ramps.
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be day and night time lane closures both EB and WB ramps at Exit 1 for concrete repairs. One lane to remain open at all times

Grading, drainage, construction of bridges and retaining walls, ITS and paving
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be night time lane closures both NB and SB for barrier rail installation, ingress/egress construction, and demolition work for bridges 7, 8, & 9. One lane to remain open at all times. at all times.

The resurfacing on I-24 from near Baker Road to east of Medical Center Pkwy. MM 70 – 80
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closures EB and WB for milling operations. Three lanes will remain open at all times.
• continuous, Traffic will be shifted on the exit ramp from I-24 EB to I-840 WB for concrete ramp repairs.

The retracing of pavment markings with spray thermoplastic on various interstates and state routes in Region 3.
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 6 a.m., There will be lane closures for mobile long line striping operations in both the WB and EB direction of I-40 in Smith County from mm 258-263.
The retracing of pavment markings with spray thermoplastic on various interstates and state routes in Region 3.
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 6 a.m., There will be mobile long line striping on the ramps and at the rest area at MM 267.
The resurfacing on I-40 from the Smith County to the Gordonsville exit
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closure on I-40 EB and WB from Smith County Line to Gordonsville for the resurfacing of I-40

The resurfacing on I-65 from the Millersville Exit to Bethel Road exit
• 7/27, 8 P.M. – 5 A.M., There will be alternating lane closure on I-65 NB and SB from exit 98 to exit 104 for the resurfacing of I-65.

The resurfacing on I-840 from near MM 8 to east of Liepers Creek Rd overpass. Including removal of pavement at bridge ends and expansion joint repair. MM 18.6 – 29.1
• Daily, 6 a.m. – 6 p.m., There will be temporary lane closures on I-840 in both directions for milling and paving operations. One lane will remain open in each direction.

The resurfacing on I-40 from South Hartman to the Smith County Line
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closure on I-40 EB and WB from South Hartman to Smith County Line for the resurfacing of I-40

The retracing of pavment markings with spray thermoplastic on various interstates and state routes in Region 3.
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 6 a.m., There will be lane closures for mobile long line striping operations in both the EB and WB directions on I-840 in Wilson County. (mm 66-77)

The resurfacing on US 70 (SR 01) from the Dickson County Line to the Davidson County Line
• Nightly, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m., There will be temporary lane closures in both directions for milling and paving operations.

The repair of the bridge on U.S. 70S (S.R. 1, Harding Pike) over Sugartree Creek (L.M. 12.95)
• Continuous, There will be a continuous right lane closure on SR 1 WB for bridge repair through June 30th.
Full and partial depth repair of Portland Cement Concrete pavement and sidewalk on US 41 (US 70S, SR 1 Murfreesboro Rd.) from near Fesslers Lane (LM 20) to near Foster Ave.
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closures on Murfreesboro Rd. from Fesslers Ln. to Foster Ave. for striping activities.
The resurfacing on SR 1 from near S of Woodmont Blvd. (LM 13) to 15th Ave. (LM 17)
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be multiple, alternating lane closures for snow plowable markers

Resurfacing on US 431 from Gifford palce to the Robertson County Line
• Daily, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., There will be multiple, alternating lane closures for milling, degrassing and utility adjustment operations.

The resurfacing on SR 106 from near SR254 (OHB) to near Harding Pike
• 7/26 – 7/27 9 a.m. – 3 :30 p.m., There will be multiple, alternating lane closures for milling, degrassing, and utility adjustment operations.

SR 112 (US 41A/Clarksville Pike) from SR 12 (Ashland City Highway) to SR 155 (Briley Pkwy.) – Piedmont Move Prior
• Daily and overnight, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. & 8 p.m. – 5 a.m. There will be a temporary alternating lane closure on SR 112 Clarksville Pike in both directions for grade work, storm drainage, sanitary sewer and overhead power. Flaggers will be utilized. There will also be a full closure of Fairview Dr. for road grading and underground communications; detour will be in place.

Repair of the bridge located on S.R. 155 over the Cumberland River (Cockrill Bend) (L.M. 24.86)
• Nightly, 7 p.m. – 5 a.m., (excluding weekends), There will be a lane closure in both directions for crack sealing operations. One lane will remain open in each direction.

Resurfacing SR-10 from Public Square to Elington Drive
• Daily, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., SR 52 will have intermittent lane closures for resurfacing actives

Resurfacing SR 52 from Whitaker Lane to White Lane
• Daily, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., SR 52 will have intermittent lane closures for resurfacing actives

Consisting of: the grading, drainage, construction of welded steel plate girder bridge, retaining wall and paving on S.R. 149 and S.R. 13 from River Road to Zinc Plant Road. MM 17-19
• Daily, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m., Mayhew Road will remain closed. Traffic on SR 13 will remain in the phase 4 alignment as switched on 11/7/20. Traffic on SR 149 will be in the planned phase 4 alignment. Width reduced to 22′ for entire project.

Bicycles and Pedestrian Facilities
• Daily, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Sidewalk construction. Contractor to utilize 1 lane of traffic for safety and construction. Day and night time lane closures are possible.
• Nightly, 6 p.m. – 6 a.m., Sidewalk construction. Contractor to utilize 1 lane of traffic for safety and construction. Day and night time lane closures are possible.

The resurfacing of SR10 (US 231) from SR269 (L.M. 4.29) to North of Volunteer Road (L.M. 8.63)
• Daily, 6 a.m. – 6 p.m. There will be lane closures both NB and SB for milling and paving operations. One lane to remain open at all times.

The grading, drainage, construction of two croncrete bulb tee beam bridges, signals, and paving on SR-266 (Jefferson Pike) from SR-102 (LM 5.0) to east of I-840 (LM 9).
• Daily, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., There will be periodic flagging operations for construction activities.

LPLM: Town of Smyrna Street Scapes on SR-1
• Daily, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. : Town of Smyrna Street Scapes on SR-1
The resurfacing on US-41 (SR-1) from East of South Rutherford Blvd to west of Cripple Creek.
• Daily, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., There will be alternating lane closures for milling activities. One lane will remain open in each direction.

The grading, drainage, construction of retaining walls, signals and paving on SR-99 (New Salem Hwy) from near I-24 to SR-96 (Old Fort Pkwy)
• Daily, 9 a.m – 3 p.m., There will be alternating lane closures to restriping pavement markings from Bridge Avenue to Old Fort Pkwy. This restriping is needed to implement long term lane closures for phased construction.

Intersection improvements at SR 174 and Upper Station Camp Creek Road
• Daily, 8:30 a.m. – 2: 30 p.m., SR 174 will have intermittent lane closures for intersection improvements.

The resurfacing of SR-452 from I-840 to SR-10.
• Daily, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., There will be alternating lane closures for milling activities. One lane will remain open in each direction.

Grading, drainage and paving work on SR 6 (Franklin Road) from south of Moore’s Lane (LM 15.93) to Concord Road (18.53) – (mm 15.93 – 18.53)
• Daily 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., We anticipate needing intermittent stoppages of traffic, and/or temporary lane closures (one direction at a time) between the hours of 9AM and 3PM Monday thru Friday, and possibly on Saturday (although not currently scheduled) for various construction activity including paving and utility work throughout the project.
We are planning on having extended delays and possible lane closures for construction activities for the following side roads: Ashby Dr. Holly Tree Gap Rd, Long St., West Concord, Wikle Rd. and Mt. View Rd.

Grading, drainage, construction of bridges and signals on SR 96 from east of Arno Rd (LM 14.72) to SR 252 (Wilson Pk) (LM 20.62).
• Daily, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., There will be lane closures and brief stoppages of traffic for utility relocations and grading work.

Bridge widening on SR 171 over I-40, mm 4.57 – 5.29
• Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closures for bridge painting activities


The replacement and installation of two 30″ pipes
LOOK AHEAD 8/2, 6 a.m. – 6 p.m., Full road closure with detours between Hillsboro Pike and Vaughns Rd.

Slope Mowing
• 7/23 – 7/24, 5 a.m. – 11a.m., Slope mowing various locations WB (mm 27 – 32)

Milling and Paving WB various locations
• 7/25, 7 p.m. – 5 a.m., Alternating lane closures for paving

Milling and Paving WB various locations
• 7/26, 7 p.m. – 5 a.m., Alternating lane closures for paving; including on ramp (mm 163 – 162)

Milling and Paving WB various locations
• 7/27 – 7/28, 7 p.m. – 5 a.m., Alternating lane closures for paving; including on ramp (mm 161 – 149)



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